I have been meaning to ask or throw this question to anybody for a long long time.... A very simple question.... to those who read this or to those sesat to this Blog or somehow ended up here pls take your most precious time to drop a comment on your preference...Your sincere answer means a lot to me and to the rest of the curious world..
No,your answer do not judge if your are a pervert or a hot-blooded male/girl or what so ever...Just a general knowledge that is been boiling in my tiney weeny brain for so long and is itching to be asked...
Please ah...... Thank You
So Here It Goes....

Assuming you are marooned in an Island(as above) -Just you and you only- No one else for the next millions of mile as far as you are concerned...You have been there for some time...say 6 months all alone surviving with Rain Water and eating coconut and whatever small fish you managed to catch with your somewhat limited skills....Since you have been to schoool and learned science and kemahiran hidup....You are able to start a fire (how you started a fire--I dont know--) and keep yourself warm....
One fine day a huge blue genie appears out of nowhere and says or grants you a wishes...(hold your horses fren..The wishes are on his (the genie's) term.....Here it comes....
The Wish.....
The genie says...Since you are all alone here...i am going to give you friends...This friends will be with for 1 week....The friends that you are about to get are divided into 2 groups....With this friends you will get a weeks supply of the most expensive and the most lavish drinks and food.And after you have spend the week with your choosen group of friend you will be magically brought to whereever you came from according to your nationality(if you are a malaysian to malaysia'la and if you are a Malayalee to Makkez and Durai's Blog.....)
Ok here are 2 group of friends that you need to choose from.....
1st Group




Ok....Now 2nd Group...

I guess the above person have no need of Introduction as they are all still alive and breathing....
Now,as I said earlier...pls choose one the groups and only pls choose one group you would like to spend a week with....Dont be greedy...(you dont want the genie to be angry)...and pls let me know your choosen group with reason in the comments column or in the shout box....
So Frens (Girls and Boys)....Pls drop a comment and if you know anyone who reads stupid blogs like mine pls do ask them to drop by and leave comment as well....
Your time and comments are appreciated
well.. since i've been surviving for about 6months stranded in d island, i guess it should have thought me about the importance of life. guess i'l be choosing group 1. but what the hell? being stranded in an island and suddenly appearing in bolehland would make me famous.(i hope la, coz anything cn happen in bolehland.. lol). no prob in getting girls later ler..! =)
hi nutcasee i would choose Group #1 coz i had no chance to meet them before..and ther r many lesson that i can learn from them...
Group #2 people somehow we can contact them since the communication tools now so sophisticated!!!
Hi Kannan and Anits,
Thanks for your comments.
Lets see what others say....
Hi! I would choose group 1, as you can learn a lot of things from them. I would be very proud to be their friend. As for the second group, not my cup of coffee, thank you. If the group 2 were hansome guys then maybe I will give it serious consideration. He...he...he...
If I were to be honest, I would choose group 2.
Just like how everyone thinks that group 1 has got great brains and ideas, I think this Group 2 has the beauty and brain too.
In Group 2, the top 3 does not really concern me but the last 2 ...aiyo, solle mudile.
I'm not really a person who is interested in science type of things anyway, neither am I obsessed with history.
Don't blame me guys, after all, I'm just being myself, honestly :D
P.S : Brother, the fact that this has troubled your mind for such a long time is not very surprising. You troubled us all with this question. Ha ha. Superb post brother, *bows down.
hehehe, me too same with durai mama. i will choose GROUP 2 also.
Reasons: basically i dun like reading history or science. i hate to know abt facts. and mostly i will quickly lupa abt fact things.
however, when it comes to songs few times i listen i will start memorise the lyrics. that is the different between group one and two.
Therefore, i'll choose grp 2 and spend my one week with very happening activities. i'll ask them to dance and sing for me. LOL.
definately i'm not goin to spend my money to go to their countries and meet dem, so i take this opportunity to meet them for FOC ler. bijak kan saya...? :))
this is very difficult to answer indeed, for me at least. Most guys would probably go for the people in group 2, yes, even i drool to have these ppl around me. BUT, if you look at the people in group 1, you will realise that they were the all-time greats.
You do not have to be a 'science person' to want to meet this people, but looking at the dire state of the world right now, if this is the only way to recall the greats from the dead, i'll definitely go for it. I believe the people in group 1 can solve a lot of issues facing the world right now.
Can i choose group number 3? Group number three consists of Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman, Gerald Butler, Tom Cruise,Heath ledger and my dearest Madhavan.
Alone in an island with these five people....OOOOOO....Gawd..
Oh Genie....pls pls pls....Grant me this wish... :D
I will choose group 2.It will be a wonderful experience having all these beautiful women for one week as friends. Who wants to stay alone. I think , I will enjoy being the only man in that island. Group 1, not my kind of people. Besides you can read about them in books once you are back. Group 2, even if you are back they would'nt want to be your friend. In life you must be smart and grab everything that comes your way. I am just doing that.
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